Monday 27 February 2006 6:32:04 am
My web designer wants to use a proprietary font, Avenir, so for the time being we're using images for page headings etc. I've created an attribute to upload the page heading image to the content object but when i display the image using the attribute_view_gui, the larger images are scaled down and look bad. Does anyone know what parameter i need to add to ensure that an image is rendered at the same quality as the original? Obviousely using images is a pain and i understand that this is precisely what the texttoimage template operator is for. Two questions: If i buy the Avenir true-type font, what do i have to do to use it for texttoimage? Will i notice a big performance hit when loading pages? I will be using texttoimage to render the top navigation (5 items) and the page heading. Thanks! Fraser