Tuesday 27 November 2007 8:59:25 am
No this isn't a bug for 3.10. ezurl will not get ride of the accents in a string. All ezurl operator will do is check the various siteaccesses and find the which file it should use. You can also specify 2 options to |ezurl('no', 'full') 'no' will get ride of the quotes surrounding your url and 'full' will specify the full url such as http://www.mydomaine.com/index.php/siteaccess/myurlalias What you are suppose to do is <a href={$node.url_alias|ezurl()}>my link</a>
here is the doc for ezurl: http://ez.no/doc/ez_publish/technical_manual/3_10/reference/template_operators/urls/ezurl
This may be a little off the subject: But In some obscure moment you may not be able to access the url_alias of your object and you will only get the string. Then this would be the code for your operator:
function convertToAlias($string){
include_once( 'kernel/classes/ezurlalias.php' );
$new_string = eZURLAlias::convertToAlias($string );
return $new_string; }
And he is the documentation on how to create an operator: http://ez.no/ezpublish/documentation/development/extensions/template_operator