Friday 27 May 2005 9:38:04 am
Wow thanks, I got it to work.. and yes, this is just a basic setup of a module that's going to contain more complex data than I can imagine. BUT... there is one thing.. This works:
if (isset ($Params['Parameters'][0]))
and in my template I'll just say
THAT works.. but as you told me something about 'named parameters'.. I saw the code. and thought, hey that just loops through all the viewparameters and assigns them to the appropriate variables. I think I'm wrong, but don't know why. I can't get this to work, I think because the UserParamters array is not properly filled? (just a thought).
//named parameters
foreach ($Params[UserParameters] as $param => $value)
$tpl->setVariable( $param, $value );
Thanks on the quick reply!
Qudos for X.
Greetings, Clemens
ps: my viewlist is still with 'params' = array( 'nodeid' ); edit: I'm still using {$nodeid} in my template code to get the nodeid..