Friday 22 April 2005 3:39:56 am
Hi everyone, Since I didn't find any str_replace template operator (maybe I didn't look right??), I just programmed a small extension for it. Very easy and very usefull (it took me more time to write this topic than programm it lol) 1/ Go to your "extension" folder in your eZ Publish install 2/ Create file str_replace/autoloads/eztemplateautoload.php
// Operator autoloading
$eZTemplateOperatorArray = array();
$eZTemplateOperatorArray[] =
array( 'script' => 'extension/str_replace/autoloads/str_replace_controloperator.php',
'class' => 'MyStrReplaceOperator',
'operator_names' => array( 'ezstr_replace' ) );
3/ Create file str_replace/autoloads/str_replace_controloperator.php
class MyStrReplaceOperator
function MyStrReplaceOperator()
$this->Operators = array( 'ezstr_replace');
Returns the operators in this class.
function &operatorList()
return $this->Operators;
\return true to tell the template engine that the parameter list
exists per operator type, this is needed for operator classes
that have multiple operators.
function namedParameterPerOperator()
return true;
The first operator has two parameters, the other has none.
See eZTemplateOperator::namedParameterList()
function namedParameterList()
return array(
'ezstr_replace' => array('search' => array( 'type' => 'string',
'required' => true,
'default' => '' ),
'replace' => array( 'type' => 'string',
'required' => true,
'default' => '' ),
'subject' => array( 'type' => 'string',
'required' => true,
'default' => '' )
) );
Executes the needed operator(s).
Checks operator names, and calls the appropriate functions.
function modify( &$tpl, &$operatorName, &$operatorParameters, &$rootNamespace,
&$currentNamespace, &$operatorValue, &$namedParameters )
switch ( $operatorName )
case 'ezstr_replace':
$operatorValue = $this->ezstr_replace( $namedParameters['search'],
} break;
function ezstr_replace( $search, $replace, $subject )
return str_replace( $search, $replace, $subject );
/// \privatesection
var $Operators;
4/ Create file str_replace/settings/site.ini.append.php
5/ Activate the extension in the admin interface 6/ To use it in a template :
Enjoy !