Tuesday 25 July 2006 2:22:27 am
Hi Kristof, thanks for your reply.
You can create a workflow event to accomplish this. I've made something similar, but it copies an existing object under the newly published object ( http://ez.no/community/contribs/workflow/sck_cen_create_copy ).
Your extension does look like it's really in the ball park, although it's not exactly what I'm looking for. I think it can be tweaked, though, have to experiment a bit...
You can probably use a content/edit extension handler instead ( see http://pubsvn.ez.no/nextgen/trunk...8/content_edit_extension_handler.txt, settings/content.ini and kernel/classes/ezcontentobjectedithandler.php ).
Here I didn't have much luck, sorry. content_edit_extension_handler.txt says almost
nothing, and suggests reading setting/content.ini for more detail. But I found nothing
in settings/content.ini. And for whatever reason my installation doesn't even have
a settings/content.ini and kernel/classes/ezcontentobjectedithandler.php (running 3.7.6 by the way). Andy