Tuesday 13 May 2008 7:57:25 am
Kristof, <i>1) ignore_content_expiry is supposed to work with all combinations, except for when you use subtree_expiry then the flag is ignored as you mention yourself</i> Let clear it up - I would expect, that cache-block parameters work as follows: <b>ignore_content_expiry:</b> Can be used with any combination of params and simply makes sure, that whenever an object is published, this particular block will not expire <b>unless</b> it matches subtree_expiry or expiry condition (in other words, ignore_content_expiry will not prevent subtree_expiry or expiry from their regular behavior). <b>expiry:</b> Will always be cleared when expired, or if any other condition matches. If only expiry param is used, the block <b>will</b> be expired by any object publishing. <b>subtree_expiry:</b> Will always be cleared when a given subtree is modified and published, or if any other condition matches. If subtree_expiry is the only param that is used, the block <b>will not</b> be expired by random object publishing. <i>2) yes, your understanding is correctly, however afaik when you have a cache block inside a cache block and the outer cache block gets expired it will use the inner cache block's generated content if it is not expired</i> Yup, that's what I would expect. What's the extent of cache-block nesting allowed? I'll do more testing tonight.
Thanks for feedback, Cheers.
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