Wednesday 13 July 2005 10:57:07 am
Hi Luis, I confirm this as a bug. Can you please report it at ! --Issues and fixes--
<b>1. In design/admin/children_detailed.tpl:</b>
Wrong: Link to the modifier links to the creator of the current version of the current $node and not to the modifier of the child.
<i>How to fix this:</i> In line 65 change from
<td class="modifier"><a href={$node.object.current.creator.main_node.url_alias|ezurl}>{$|wash}</a></td>
In line 65 change to
<td class="modifier"><a href={$Nodes.item.object.current.creator.main_node.url_alias|ezurl}>{$|wash}</a></td>
<b>2. In design/admin/content/edit_menu.tpl:</b>
Wrong: In "Object information" the name of creator is wrong. It's not the creator (owner) of the object, but the creator of the current published version.
<i>How to fix this:</i> In line 22 change from
In line 22 change to
<b>3. In design/admin/content/edit_menu.tpl:</b>
Wrong: In "Object information" the name of the modifier is wrong. It's not the modifier of the current published object, but the modifer of the depending class.
<i>How to fix this:</i> In line 33 change from
{fetch( content, object, hash( object_id, $object.content_class.modifier_id ) ).name|wash}
In line 33 change to
Daniel Beyer
Kreuzlingen, Switzerland