Forums / Suggestions / Required Fields in Admin

Required Fields in Admin

Author Message

Bruce Morrison

Wednesday 13 October 2004 7:18:05 pm

Within the Admin interface there is no indication that required fields are required. Notification only occures after you try to publish an item.

It would be good for the standard admin design temapltes to have
+ required fields marked in the admin interface. (This is pretty easy to do - any reason it hasn't been to date?)
+ javascript checking of required fields that is run prior to form submission. (OK a bit harder but achievable)


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Frederik Holljen

Wednesday 13 October 2004 11:33:16 pm

We have already implemented your first request. We have also marked fields that are information collectors in the new admin interface.

Bruce Morrison

Thursday 14 October 2004 12:31:30 am

Thanks Frederik

Now that's service!

This is in 3.5? It doesn't appear to be implemented to be in the current alpha version.


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Frederik Holljen

Thursday 14 October 2004 12:40:14 am

You are right, this functionality is not in the alpha. It was added a couple of days ago.