Forums / Setup & design / URI access method and URL without index.php?

URI access method and URL without index.php?

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Jozef Baum

Monday 22 June 2009 3:17:37 pm

I am new to eZ Publish.

I installed it with the Plain Site and with the URI acces method, which is recommended. The URL I used was, let us say, sub.domain.tld.

Then, I created a new siteaccess "sub" and configured it in the override/site.ini.append.php as the default site. All goes well: the URL http://sub.domain.tld/ no longer leads to the plain_ site_user, but to the "sub" site.

Then, I created a new siteaccess "www" with the URL "www.domain.tld". And now comes the problem: although "www" has another URL then "sub", with the URL http://www.domain.tld, eZ Publish still shows the site "sub".

So eZ Publish seems to take into account only the domain and top level domain in the URL, but not the subdomain.

The only way to solve the problem I have found until now is to switch to the host access method, as then, there is no default site.

André R.

Tuesday 23 June 2009 2:55:31 am

You should change to host based, then if there is no match, the default one is used.

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Tuesday 23 June 2009 3:32:13 am

Remember to redirect the old url style of site links!


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Jozef Baum

Tuesday 23 June 2009 2:36:09 pm

"You should change to host based, then if there is no match, the default one is used." André R.

Yes, that's what I did.

But then, in the technical manual, eZ Systems should write that the URI access method is the most easy (as it requires no DNS and firewall configuration), but not that the URI access method is the recommended one (as it can lead to the problem I experienced).