Monday 11 August 2003 6:50:21 am
More info on this subject: What I did wrong. After installing the dutch translation and translating all items in the folders, I first switched languages in site.ini.append.php: Locale=dut-NL
Then I checked if it worked and I did not miss anything. It worked perfectly. Then I also changed: ContentObjectLocale=dut-NL And then in the setup removed the english translation. All the english texts are now suddenly seen as dut-NL in the database. I checked i.e. the table ezcontentobject_attribute and removed all versions of an item where I could guess it was the english version (starting at version 1, dutch came in later). Then checked the editing of this item again, and it showed up in the correct way. Conclusion: by removing a translation all items that have an entry in the database for this translation, these items get automatically an existing language. If you then try to edit such an item, the attributes of that item doubles. I do not think it is a bug in ezp3, but it might be an unwanted feature. If anybody has a good suggestion how to solve this in an easy way, without starting again, I appreciate that.
Thanx, Jan