Thursday 09 October 2008 12:09:56 pm
Hello! I've set up an ez 3.10.1 site (can't use 4.0 because of php version on server), and now I'm having problems with the shop module.
The problem: I view an order, and try to update the quantity of each product, or try to delete a product. But when the page refreshes, it shows everything just like it was. No quantity updated, no product deleted. I first thought it might be a cache problem, but now I've added the <i>{set-block scope=root variable=cache_ttl}0{/set-block}</i> to all templates, but it still isn't working properly. Still, something is wrong.. I have of course added the <i>shop - buy</i> policy to the anonymous user, so I can't understand how it could be an access rule issue either. I'm blank here.. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks for all your help!