Forums / Setup & design / Settings extension : Override Order Problem ?

Settings extension : Override Order Problem ?

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H-Works Agency

Friday 03 March 2006 4:31:58 am

I am having a problem with my settings extension (related to this topic )

This extension is common to every "public" site.

My problem is with the "override.ini" files in this extension, in fact it supercede the override.ini directives in my /settings/siteaccess/$mysite/override.ini and i don't think that is a normal behavior.

In fact in my /settings/siteaccess/$mysite/override.ini i have :


That loads :


As is use "ActiveAccessExtension", this file should be loaded AFTER my siteaccess one ?

Instead when both files have the same directive, for exemaple 'full_folder', its the one under "extension" that is taken making all my directives in /settings/siteaccess/$mysite/override.ini useless.

Shouldn't it be the one under my siteaccess ?

Thanx in advance for any help on this,


EZP is Great