Saturday 19 July 2003 8:04:46 am
Hi, Can anyone tell me why this isn't working? :-|
{let today=0 daystamp=currentdate()}
{section name=Weeks loop=5}
{set #:today=$daystamp}
{/section} {/let}
Error: eZTemplate:parser error @ design/user/override/templates/node_termin.tpl:12[4] Jul 19 2003 16:38:27
Invalid parameter characters in function 'set': '#:today=$daystamp'
As you see from the code, I'm trying to assign a value to the variable 'today' in the root namespace. I also have some problems with logical operators like:
{section show=gt(10,5)}
code {/section} For some reason, this statement doesn't validate. The weird thing is that if i replace 'gt' with 'lt', the statement validates regardless of the parameters given. The 'eq' operator seems to work fine though. Any clues? Anyone?
I'm running Versjon 3.1-1 (3.1) SVN revision 2703 on a non-virtual host.