Monday 15 May 2006 4:35:52 am
Hi all! I'm setting up a multiligual site with 3.8, and it goes quite well. Really nice improvements have been done to the ligual part of the system. I have one problem though. In my pagelayout I want write a heading according to which language is in use. In the old days I used to do it like this:
{section show=eq(ezini('RegionalSettings','Locale'),'eng-GB')}ยจ
This doesn't work anymore, so I tried this:
{if begins_with($module_result.uri,'/eng')}
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This should work, as I use siteaccess as "language-decider". But for some reason <i>begins_with</i> will not work. If I use I use <i>eq</i>, it works.. but I obvioulsy need the former.. Any answer could be the right one! Felix
Publlic Relations Manager
Greater Stavanger