Forums / Setup & design / override and multiple access

override and multiple access

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Friday 24 August 2007 2:49:02 am

hello all,

I am newb' in ezp.

I searched on this forum for an answer but no way.

My question is simple :

I have to display different informations when url is different :
by example :
on htttp:// : node 1 is displayed, node 2 not.
on htttp:// : node 2 is displayed, node 1 not.

the site access toto contains all my override settings.
the site access titi contains only 1 node to display more than toto.

With site access, the only solution is to copy override.ini.append.php from toto to titi.

the problem :
if i want update override.ini.append.php in toto, i have to update every override.ini.append.php in every siteaccess.

is there a solution in parameters to use the override.ini.append.php from toto to titi without copy of this file.

thanks a lot for your answers, Anthony.

Bruce Morrison

Friday 24 August 2007 4:42:50 am

Hi Antony

I think what you want to do is to create an extension, put the override.ini.append.php in the settings directory of the extension and enable the extenion in both siteaccesses.


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Friday 24 August 2007 5:43:16 am

Hi Bruce,

thanks for your reply and your solution.

Your solution is ok, it works fine !!!

For more infos : in every site access, we have to use :


an not ActiveExtensions[] (that was my first mistake ;) )