Monday 10 September 2007 8:45:02 am
I'm trying to update a content class to add an attribute.
There's over 7600 objects using this content class so when I send the modifications the first time it runs during 1 or 2 minutes and then stops with a fatal error. Looking at the class shows me that the attribute isn't there but when I edit the class it's here. None of the content objects are updated as far as I noticed, that means none of them has the added attribute. When I try to edit and save again the class it's pretty fast and no error shows up but the attribute still isn't there and no objects are updated. I tried to delete the attribute and recreate it, emptying the cache at each step, nothing works. What can I do to update my class with this new attribute ? I'm running eZPublish 3.8.7 on a Linux based server with php 4.4.4. Thanks for all advice.