Saturday 16 April 2005 8:15:41 pm
Hi everyone,
Now I can't seem to get this to work.
The Media tab as standard currently points to: /news_admin/content/view/full/43
but as I have upgraded, my Media node (which I have created and works fine) is accessible by: /news_admin/content/view/full/524
I thought I would just need to edit the settings/override/content.ini.php - but that made no difference, so I've also changed the settings in siteaccess to point to my new object ID. However, none of this has made any change. I have cleared the caches from the admin interface, using and using ezcache.php and there has still been no change. Is the url hard coded in somewhere or something? Thanks, Tim - Ad network news and reviews - Website publisher guides, tools and news - Make better music