Friday 18 August 2006 3:43:20 am
Hi I must be completely missing the point here. I have objects with information collectors. They collect information - I can see the collection in the admin (setup/collected info). To set up some similar display in my design, I assumed a fetch would be available to get the Collected Information from an object or an attribute. Even a fetch to get all collections, or a fetch to get a count of all collections would do. Or some attribute on the object or attribute pointing to the collections of that object or attribute. But there isn't any of those ? There is
- a fetch for an information collection given the collection id and object id
- a count fetch for the number of information collections given a object id or attribute id
- a confusing kind of fetch used to do statistics given an attribute id These are all quite useless in a template unless you happen to create a poll :-) The admin page use a plain sql query behind the scenes, and tuck the results in a template variable before parsing the template. To mimic that, I have to create an extension. Am I missing something ?
thanks, *-pike
The class eZContentObjectTreeNode does.