Salvatore Guarino
Tuesday 30 August 2005 8:09:46 am
I would like to modify the following "left menu" template code. The goal is to set the root of the menu to the parent of the visited node. I.e.: i'm visiting the page of a product that's in the folder "Product", I'would like that the root of the left menu is "product". This is the code:
<div id="leftmenu">
<div id="leftmenu-design">
<h3 class="hide">{"Left menu"|i18n("design/base")}</h3>
{let module_result.node_id
docs=treemenu( $module_result.path,
is_set( $module_result.node_id )|choose( 2, $module_result.node_id ),
ezini( 'MenuContentSettings', 'LeftIdentifierList', 'menu.ini' ),
0, 5 )
{section var=menu loop=$:docs last-value}
{set last_level=$menu.last|is_array|choose( $menu.level, $menu.last.level )}
{section show=and( $last_level|eq( $menu.level ), $menu.number|gt( 1 ) )}
{section show=and( $last_level|gt( $menu.level ), $menu.number|gt( 1 ) )}
</li>"|repeat(sub( $last_level, $menu.level ))}
{section show=and( $last_level|lt( $menu.level ), $menu.number|gt( 1 ) )}
<li class="menu-level-{$menu.level}">
<li class="menu-level-{$menu.level}">
<a {$menu.is_selected|choose( '', 'class="selected"' )} href={$menu.url_alias|ezurl}>{$menu.text|shorten( 25 )}</a>
{set depth=$menu.level}
{section show=sub( $depth, 0 )|gt( 0 ) loop=sub( $depth, 0 )}
Thx, Salvatore Guarino