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inline elements in template

Author Message

akiL Mussa

Monday 20 December 2004 7:28:15 am


Can anybody explain me how to remove line break between 2 elements in template?
I would like to have the intro text of an article followed by the published date of this article, without line break.

Something like:
...intro text.[20.12.2004]

and not:
...intro text.

I'm trying something like this, but isn't working:

{set-block scope=root variable=is_block}false{/set-block}
     {attribute_view_gui attribute=$node.object.data_map.intro}
{set-block scope=root variable=is_block}true{/set-block}

Can anybody help me with this?

Roy Bøhmer

Monday 20 December 2004 11:59:59 am

Hi akiL!

I think what you experience is that xmltext-attributes by default is surrounded by <p>-tags. There is a way to override the template. Take a look at this:
