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images in folder description

Author Message

Bengt Danielsen

Thursday 23 September 2004 3:45:42 am

I am trying to get an image in folder description. Is there anyway to do this easy?
Have tried to add an objectrelated attribute in folder class, and put this code in the design/plain/override/templates/full/folder.tpl

{* Folder - Full view *}
<div class="content-view-full">
    <div class="class-article">


        {section show=$node.object.data_map.bilde.content.is_empty|not}
            <div class="attribute-image">
                {attribute_view_gui attribute=$node.object.data_map.bilde align=right}

        {section show=$node.object.data_map.short_description.content.is_empty|not}
            <div class="attribute-short">
                {attribute_view_gui attribute=$node.object.data_map.short_description}

        {section show=$node.object.data_map.description.content.is_empty|not}
            <div class="attribute-long">
                {attribute_view_gui attribute=$node.object.data_map.description}

        {section show=is_unset( $versionview_mode )}
        {section show=$node.object.data_map.show_children.content}
            {let page_limit=10

            {section show=or( $, $view_parameters.month, $view_parameters.year )}
                {let time_filter=array( and,
                                        array( 'published', '>=',
                                               maketime( 0, 0, 0,
                                                         $view_parameters.month, cond( $, $, 1 ), $view_parameters.year ) ),
                                        array( 'published', '<=',
                                               maketime( 23, 59, 59,
                                                         cond( $, $view_parameters.month, $view_parameters.month|inc ), cond( $, $, 0 ), $view_parameters.year ) ) )}
                {set list_items=fetch_alias( children, hash( parent_node_id, $node.node_id,
                                                             offset, $view_parameters.offset,
                                                             attribute_filter, $time_filter,
                                                             sort_by, $node.sort_array,
                                                             limit, $page_limit ) )
                     list_count=fetch_alias( children_count, hash( parent_node_id, $node.node_id ) )}
                {set list_items=fetch_alias( children, hash( parent_node_id, $node.node_id,
                                                             offset, $view_parameters.offset,
                                                             sort_by, $node.sort_array,
                                                             limit, $page_limit ) )}
                {set list_count=fetch_alias( children_count, hash( parent_node_id, $node.node_id ) )}

            <div class="content-view-children">
                {section var=child loop=$list_items sequence=array(bglight,bgdark)}
                    {node_view_gui view=line content_node=$child}

            {include name=navigator



Or can I have an article that will show in full view as standard in a folder?

Bengt Danielsen

Frederik Holljen

Thursday 23 September 2004 4:46:52 am

The description field of the folder class accepts XML input and you can embed an image directly using a related object and the <object> tag.
Is this what you need? If not, what exactly are you trying to do?