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Image size cannot be set in template

Author Message

Roger Schmidt

Friday 18 August 2006 7:44:55 am

Hi all

In image.ini.append.php of my siteaccess following entries for image sizes are available:




In one of my templates following code is used for image display:
{attribute_view_gui attribute=$node.object.data_map.image.content.data_map.image image_class="small"}

But resulting page does not take settings in image.ini.append.php into account.

Address of pic makes sense though (.._small.png):

Only name of resulting image is changed (article_image_02_small.png, article_image_02_medium.png etc.), but actual size does not change!

For converting graphic GD is used, ImageMagick does not work (I do not know why). I am not sure, if my hoster is supporting ImageMagick, for this reason, I have chosen to use GD for now.

Could it be a problem with GD? Png format is supported? What about GD2? Any hints?
Thanks and regards,

esperion H

Friday 18 August 2006 2:09:50 pm


This is just to say that I ran into the same issue when I did a modification in the global settings page in admin.

This page also controls the override settings for the image sizes. Now I have only one image size category - the large one.

As in your case, even if the templates call for an image size medium or small, it is the large version that is displayed.

I have posted a bug report on this issue (nr. 8732). It is not yet confirmed.

Obviously, I am also interested in a solution to this.


Claudia Kosny

Friday 18 August 2006 2:11:41 pm

Hello Roger,

do you get any error messages in the debug output (clear the cache before checking that to make sure that ez creates the pictures again)?
Also go to the var/<site_access>storage/images folder and check there for a few pics whether the image variations are created there.

Greetings from Luxembourg


Roger Schmidt

Saturday 19 August 2006 10:07:17 am

Alright! I have checked the debug messages a little bit closer than before. ;-)

And there are two warnings which explain, why conversions do not work!

Warning: eZImageManager::convert

The filter 'geometry/scaledownonly' is not supported by any of the image handlers, will ignore this filter

Warning: eZImageManager::convert

The filter 'geometry/scale' is not supported by any of the image handlers, will ignore this filter

I had a closer look on GD installation. And when running a test script following error message is appearing:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: imagecreate()

When I found the cause of this installation problem, I will post it as reference.

Thanks and regards,

Roger Schmidt

Saturday 19 August 2006 10:21:17 am

Extension_dir was wrongly specified in php.ini. For this reason corresponding dll was not found. It was a fresh php4 installation.

Everything is working now.

I feel like an absolute beginner at this moment! ;-)
