Forums / Setup & design / how to set up a new site?

how to set up a new site?

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Erland Flaten

Tuesday 03 July 2007 1:05:21 am

Based on the tutorial and instructions on how to set up a new site on page :

I have problems accessing the previous site – the site the new site settings are based on.

<b>Is there any documentation on how to set up a new site? </b>

I have tried to follow the path as described on the TSCM tutorial. The new site is up and running, I guess, but accessing the old site which the new one is based on gives error. error kernel 20. Module not found.

I guess there are more settings to alter than whats described in TSCM when we want a second or third site in one installation?

- I am using the same database. Is that OK or should there be one database per site.
- The same site url is used in the site.ini.apped.php in siteaccesfolders for the new and old site (bad gutfeeling on this one..)

Erland Flaten
Lilllehammer, Norway

Erland Flaten

Tuesday 03 July 2007 1:30:15 am

Sorry for answering my one questiones, but I found that adding the sites in the override/site.ini.appned.php gave the correct results. Here is the two altered sections of that file.


SiteList=plain_site <-- I put this one in
SiteList=plain_site_admin <-- I put this one in


AvailableSiteAccessList=plain_site <-- I put this one in
AvailableSiteAccessList=plain_site_admin <-- I put this one in

I would still like to have a official "this is the right way to set up several sites"

This run on OS X 10.4.10 PHP 5.2.2 and mysql

Erland Flaten
Lilllehammer, Norway

André R.

Tuesday 03 July 2007 9:32:30 am

SiteList is an array, so should be like this:

also there is a third setting for setting witch site access is related to witch:

You can read more about this settings in the doc:

eZ Online Editor 5: || eZJSCore (Ajax): || eZ Publish EE

Erland Flaten

Tuesday 03 July 2007 11:53:17 am

Looks like both the new and old sites uses the same data. I have made a new database and changed the databasename in site.ini.append.php

The mysql errors from debug are now dense and irritating like the mosqitoswarms in northern Norway! So I have still no second site up and running. Looks like EZPub need some content to start with. The new database is of course empty. I see there are many definitions of settings parameters in the documentation, but cant find any description on how to set up another site on the same ez installation apart from the TSCM-thing which is site setings editiing and not starting a new site.

I would deeply recomend more taskoriented descriptions instead of mostly definitions of parameters.

So how do I set up a new site without using the wizard?

Erland Flaten
Lilllehammer, Norway

Mariano Sokal

Tuesday 03 July 2007 8:44:25 pm

I would deeply recomend more taskoriented descriptions instead of mostly definitions of parameters.</b>

I have many joomla/mambo installations... and I am trying to move to ezpublish so I can take advantage of its benefits but it is getting really hard to accomplish some things. Doing a multisite configuration is not easy to understand, at least for the newbies in this software as myself.

A tutorial/howto covering this and other matters would be greatly appreciated.

Best regards,

André R.

Wednesday 04 July 2007 1:42:58 am

Howto and Faq has been on the todo list for a couple of years..

When it comes to clean database, you could just make a copy of the one you have, or disable the siteaccess with the working db while setting up the other one.(set site.ini: CheckValidity to true while doing it)
Or use one of the database schema's included, but havn't tested that so wouldn't recommended it personally.

eZ Online Editor 5: || eZJSCore (Ajax): || eZ Publish EE

Erland Flaten

Wednesday 04 July 2007 3:51:40 am

Yes, I would try to make a duplicate of the database the setupwiz made during setup of the "plain_site". Then select that new base in those setupfiles.

I would also tryout the mysqlscripts I read about in the manual configuration. The one that prepares a database with the right tables and such.

ok. Thanks for the help so far :) I feel I understand some more now than a couple of weeks ago. I will dive more into ez later. Looks like the rain is comming...means holliday :/

Erland Flaten
Lilllehammer, Norway