Tuesday 26 September 2006 12:33:56 pm
Hi, we are a company with an international headquarter - and several local country organizations. So, we're evaluating eZ Publish to see, if we can build a site with one "International" - and several "country" siteaccess's. Most of the content will be from the "International" site - but when users enter through one of the "country" siteaccess's, they should see the added local content. Creation of local content, as well as administration of local users, will be done locally in the individual countries. We think we can use "sections" as the "governing" method to implement the above - using individual sections for both local content - and local user groups. And then give admin rights to select "country administrators" in the countries - with a sector restriction in the roleassigment - in order to let the do the administration of local content and local users. But we have two challengers we've not been able to solve: 1. How do we "open up" for the local section for an anonymous visitor entering through the country site access - while still also showing the "international" section content?? 2. How can a country administrator add local content to the "international" section - but only flagged as being in the "contry" section (which is the only section the country admin can add content in) Can anybody help? Best regards Jens Tiedemann