How to create files in the self created folder / Setup & design / Forums - Share eZ Publish! The eZ Publish Community

Forums / Setup & design / How to create files in the self created folder

How to create files in the self created folder

Author Message

poon sg

Wednesday 12 May 2004 8:58:11 pm

I want to let some admin users can create folder(example: foler: product catalogue), and also can created files, article, folder in the created folder(product catalogue). except the folder, the files' and articles' location are wrong or only display the parentfold which node_id is 2.(i have modified the edit_dropdown_placement.tpl).

how can i do, does anybody can help me?


Willie Seabrook

Friday 14 May 2004 11:35:01 pm

Hi sgpoon!

Could we clarify the problem?

1. You want to allow a certain group of users to create folders?
2. You want to allow another group of users to create folders <i>and</i> articles?
3. You want to allow those groups to create those things under a certain node?


(group 'a' can create folders and articles there but nowhere else)

group 'b' can create just folders *anywhere*

Is that generally what your trying to do?


poon sg

Sunday 16 May 2004 5:13:05 pm

Hi Willie!

I want to allow certain group to create those things under a certain node.
users can create folder(example: product catalogue), article, file under folder2, and also can create folder, article, file under folder: product catalogue, and go on...just like admin interface.
