Wednesday 25 April 2007 11:35:52 pm
Full title: How to <b>buffer</b> $module_result.content to show <b>previous result when node is empty?</b>
My problem is to have left menu with (some of, not all !! ) main categories not having any content,
so when they are clicked the empty center of the page shows.
Subcategories are the ones which have content to show. ($module_result.content is called ONLY)
-main1 (full)
--sub11 (full)
--sub12 (full)
-main2 (empty)
--sub21 (full)
--sub22 (full)
-main3 (empty)
--sub31 (full) --sub32 (full)
I want to do something like:
When I click one of the empty main categories, at the center of the page remains content of the previous full e.g. subcategory. Also, when several empty nodes are clicked in a row it still must show last node that is not empty.
e.g. I click sub11-> main2 STILL SHOWS sub11
sub12-> main2 -> main3 STILL SHOWS sub12 main1-> main2 STILL SHOWS main1 don't think it requires overriding pagelayout.tpl because i need to show any <i>previous result that is not empty</i>, and not <i>differrent result</i> depending on the node selected.
I tried to buffer $module_result.content in a variable but it doesn't work.
(when displayed attributes with attribute operator, it shows that .content is of type string )
didn't find similar question/solution in forum, so, if there is somebody that knows how to solve this, i would be grateful.