Friday 20 July 2007 12:37:36 am
Go back and re read my suggestions.
In ez publish you have the pagelayout, and you have the content layout (node/view/full.tpl, full/folder.tpl and so on).
Since from what I understand, you only need the (x)html output from the content layout, so my quick and dirty suggestion was to disable the pagelayout in you ajax request.
Basicly your ajax request url will look like this: /layout/set/ajax/path_to_folder/folder/(offset)/50 and the settings needed for layout: ajax is posted above. Alternatively you can use a specific ajax pagelayout, with settings like this:
And ajax_pagelayout.tpl like this:
But having a pagelayout like this is pointless, thats why I suggested not using pagelayout.
eZ Online Editor 5: || eZJSCore (Ajax): || eZ Publish EE