Thursday 27 September 2007 7:53:50 am
Hi I'm developing a site for a client, and the site uses the ezwebin extension. I have followed the instructions from to create a new design for the ezwebin extension. Now I've run into trouble: The site needs 3 new "sub sites", i.e. 3 different domains and 3 different designs. My initial idea was to create 3 new copies of the extension, create 3 new siteaccess', each pointing to different RelatedSiteAccessList, SiteDesign and so forth... I added each of the copies to ExtensionSettings in settings/override/site.ini.append.php . But the last line before ActiveExtensions[]=ezwebin always overrides the other ones. How do I go about using the ezwebin extension with 3 different designs, one for each domain?
Bellcom Open Source < >, Tel: +45 70 26 00 85
eZ Publish, Drupal, SugarCRM