Forums / Setup & design / eZ OE 5.0: Subtitle / Caption for Images

eZ OE 5.0: Subtitle / Caption for Images

Author Message

Michael Fürst

Tuesday 07 April 2009 12:59:30 am

Hi there, again me ;)

Another question to eZ OE 5.0 (maybe this is also important for other users):
Is there a way to add a Caption / Title / Subtitle for an Image when it's inserted? So that this caption is stored as $object attribute and can be accessed in the template.

<b>For example:</b>
Imagine you have an image of the Eiffel Tower in Paris in the eZ Media Library. The Editor adds this Image to the first Article "Nightlife in Paris" and wants to add the subtitle / caption "<i>The Eiffel Tower and his beautiful illumination at night</i>" wich is shown directly bellow the image in the article.

Some weeks later the Editor writes another article about resturants in Paris an uses the exactly same image of the Eiffel Tower from the eZ Media Library again. But now he wants to add the caption "<i>The great Tower Restaurant in the Eiffel Tower is a must</i>" bellow the image.

The easiest solution would be to add an Attribute "Subtitle / Caption" to the image class and the editor has to add the caption when he adds the image to the Media Library. BUT: As we know from our editors, many images are used not only one time and in one article - for example they use very often symbolic images (like the tower image) for many articles. And in each article there should be another caption.

So the only way to solve this problem would be, that the editor adds the caption during the selection process in the eZ OE 5.0 - that's already possible when uploading a new image but not when choosing an existing image object from the media library.

<b>The question is:</b>
Has anyone an idea how to add an additional field "Subtitle / Caption" to the embedded image selection tool of eZ OE 5.0 so that this value is available as $object variable in the template? (like Offset or Limit)

Thanks & regards,

Michael Fürst

Wednesday 29 April 2009 6:37:42 am

Hi Guys,

Sorry, I've to push this topic up.
If noone knows a solution - how are you handling this problem? Maybe there is another way i don't see at the moment.


André R.

Wednesday 29 April 2009 7:18:30 am

Use custom attributes, look in content.ini and optionally ezoe_attributes.ini to see how and what you can do.

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