Forums / Setup & design / eZ 3.4 beta 2: bug, feature or ...

eZ 3.4 beta 2: bug, feature or ...

Author Message

Peter Szmulik

Sunday 23 May 2004 8:37:16 am

...or am I doing something wrong?

First of all, 3.4 looks like a great release!

I'm trying to make an image an anchor for a link. I created a document in the admin interface and typed:

<td><link href='/a_valid_URL_inside_eZ' target='_self'><object id='a_valid_object_ID' /></link></td>

When I try to save this I get an error message saying that objects are not supported inside a link tag. How can I create clickable images in eZ?


Bård Farstad

Sunday 23 May 2004 10:30:18 am

The link tag does not support object as a child tag. You have to use an attribute on the object tag. E.g. <object href="" id="42" ... />. This does however need to be supported by the given object template ( the image template does support this by default ).



Peter Szmulik

Sunday 23 May 2004 11:05:27 am


... but I still don't get the link:

  <td><object id="165" size="small" href="http://domain.xx/index.php/corporate/blablabla" target="_self" /></td>

Best Regrads

Peter Szmulik

Sunday 23 May 2004 1:45:59 pm

... and a related problem: when I do:

  <td><object id="165" size="small" href="http://domain.xx/index.php/corporate/blablabla" target="_self" /></td>

... I also get an annoying (empty) line below the image. If I insert some text, it appears on a line below the empty line. Is there a way of getting rid of the empty line?

Thanks & Best Regards