Thursday 16 February 2006 6:55:17 am
Hi, There is many different ways to customize your section design. First of all create sections ;) (admin)and assign them to specific folders then declare them in override.ini.append.php :
Subdir=templates Match[section]=17
Subdir=templates Match[section]=18 ... 1 template (pagelayout) for each section and now you can add the additionnal stylesheets you want. Another lighter approch and maybe better (it depend on what you will want to do) is a switch/case based on your new section : <style type="text/css">
{switch match=$DesignKeys:used.section}
{case match=6}
@import url({"stylesheets/maternelle.css"|ezdesign});
{case match=7}
@import url({"stylesheets/college.css"|ezdesign});
{case match=8}
@import url({"stylesheets/segpa.css"|ezdesign});
No need to create specific pagelayout. You can use the default one. This are some basics but I'm nearly sure you can do what you want. Hope this help. Laurent