Friday 18 April 2008 7:07:23 am
I'm also not sure what you mean, to make sure we talk about the same thing, here is some info on how modue_result is generated.
When you request a page in eZ Publish, it decides what module to run based on the url. If the url isn't a system url ( aka index.php/<site_access>/<module>/<view>/<optional_params> ), it will assume it is a nice url ( aka index.php/<site_access>/Home/About_us ) and run the 'content' module and view 'view' ( in kernel/content/view.php ), if successful this module then returns a $Result hash with things like 'content' and 'path' witch eZ Publish uses as $module_result variable when it runs your pagelayout.tpl file (last step). So $module_result.content is the generated content from the module, in the case of the content module it is generated by node templates. So if you want to change the $module_result.content content, you need to look into changing (preferably overriding ) node templates.
Modules and views:
Override system:
Walkthrue on creating a eZ Publish site (touches node templates, overrides, classes and pagelayout):
eZ Online Editor 5: || eZJSCore (Ajax): || eZ Publish EE