Sunday 01 October 2006 5:21:11 am
Now my solution looks like this.:
{let my_relation_list=$node.object.data_map.my_objectrelations.content.relation_list}
{section var=Relations loop=$my_relation_list}
{let current_object=fetch( content, object, hash( object_id, $Relations.item.contentobject_id, object_version, $Relations.item.contentobject_version) ) } (* Do I really need this object_version thing...? *}
<a href={$current_object.main_node.url_alias|ezurl}>
{attribute_view_gui attribute=$}
However, from my point of view there is still a contradiction between the two following statements:
{attribute_view_gui attribute=$node.object.data_map.my_xml_block}
{attribute_view_gui attribute=$node.object.data_map.my_objectrelations}
The first statement outputs translated content, the second statement doesn't!
When using objectrelations frequently, this really matters.
So I am still looking for a more elegant solution. Thanks for contributing to it! U.