Forums / Install & configuration / v3.8.3, clustering, WebDAV

v3.8.3, clustering, WebDAV

Author Message

Stephen Paschall

Friday 18 August 2006 1:35:23 pm


It appears the eZPub WebDAV server hasn't been updated to use the new filehandling library required in order to use clustering. Any idea when that will happen? WebDAV's a much more convenient interface for dealing with a large file archive. If you guys are already working on it, I don't want to spend time implementing it myself...


Nathalie Grimaud

Wednesday 24 January 2007 1:52:27 am

Is it possible now to use clustering and webdav with eZ 3.9.0?
If not, would it be a temporary solution to let webdav store the binary files in the file system and then use the bin/php/clusterize.php script to import them into the db?
