Wednesday 02 August 2006 7:04:42 am
When installing 3.8.3, at the "Site Selection" page of the wizard, I selected "Plain Site" and click "Next" and get "Invalid package" error. So I downloaded the "Plain Site" .ezpkg file from, browsed to it on my filesystem and selected "Upload" and received "Uploaded file is not an eZ publish package". I tried the suggestions on similar posts with no luck. My var/, var/storage/ and var/storage/packages/ directories are all owned by the webserver user and are chmod 775.
Red Hat Enterprise ES 3
Apache 2.0.46
PHP 4.4.2
MySQL 4.0.20 ImageMagick 6.2.8 I did choose to ignore the "AcceptPathInfo On" error earlier as I have that set already in my Apache config and saw a post from an ezSystems staffer saying that was sometimes incorrectely reporting an error. I can't get past this. Any suggestions are appreciated. Best Regards.