Forums / Install & configuration / Unexpected differences between two installs

Unexpected differences between two installs

Author Message

neil clark

Friday 23 June 2006 7:45:37 am


we have two sites with ez 3.8 installed

Site A - installed with the intranet option (I think) with forum, blogs automatically added
Site B - installed as a news site, then we installed the extra packages for forum and blogs separately.

Started to notice some unexpected differences between the two sites.

Site A has the following roles but B doesn't, why?
* Forum user
* Forum administrator
* Weblog user
We assumed that installing the packages would have taken care of these.

Other differences between site A and B's forums.
* Site B - I can't edit posts, even as an admin I'm restricted access (due to missing Forum Roles?)
* Site A has a "stickies" option but B doesn't

Can someone explain these differences?

And are there other differences I should expect to see?


neil clark

Saturday 24 June 2006 12:02:25 pm

any advice?

neil clark

Monday 26 June 2006 8:42:25 am
