Forums / Install & configuration / Setyp Probleme: Impossible to import packages

Setyp Probleme: Impossible to import packages

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infos couriier

Wednesday 07 October 2009 3:25:06 am


I tryed for the first time to setup EzPublish.
I'm use to setup CMS, so it should not be difficult.

But i have a problem during the installation, when i have to "choose" the package for the design template, i always get a message from EzPublish:

Paquetage non valide (package is not valide)
Remote repository URL:

I tryed to download manually ALL the packages, and upload them throught the Setup Wizard,
but i usually get a message
"Error, This package is not a valide eZPublish Package..."

I can't find any solution to finally choose a package and finish the install...

Can anyone help?

Thanks a lot!!