Forums / Install & configuration / Set StartNode when browsing in browse.ini

Set StartNode when browsing in browse.ini

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Damien Pobel

Wednesday 23 August 2006 3:45:55 pm

I try to set the start node of "browsing mode" when adding an assignement to a node. It seems that browse.ini permits to configure that, but I don't understand StartNode_something[someID]=otherThing. (see below, a snippet of the browse.ini not clear for me)

For example what do I have to do, if I want to set StartNode to NodeID 60 for object of the class identifier "weblog" ?

# # Overrides for start node, the value begins with StartNode
# # and a _ (underscore) and the override key name to match
# # The key value is placed inside the [] (brackets)
# StartNode_classgroup[2]=users
# #
# # By specifying class identifier, only objects of specified class can be selected

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Kristof Coomans

Wednesday 23 August 2006 11:23:46 pm

Hi Daniel

The available override keys for adding new node assignments are classgroup and class (I looked that up in the code, kernel/content/action.php line 206, I don't know if there's an easier way to find out).

class is the class id
classgroup is a class group id

So you need to know your class id, let's say 12, and then the setting to use is:

StartNode_class[12] = 60

independent eZ Publish developer and service provider | |

Damien Pobel

Thursday 24 August 2006 1:28:02 am

Hi Kristof

Thank you very much for your answer (and for all your others interesting posts here) :)

It's easier to understand when you know that the "override key" is "class" or "classgroup" ... This "detail" should be in comments AND in the documentation of browse.ini !!

PS : my name is Damien not Daniel ;-)

Planet eZ :
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Kristof Coomans

Thursday 24 August 2006 7:28:08 am

PS : my name is Damien not Daniel ;-)

My apologies :-)

independent eZ Publish developer and service provider | |

Gwenal Le Bihan

Wednesday 29 November 2006 4:17:04 am


it's a shame that it seems not possible to do it in editing mode when we're editing an object that have related object datatypes attributes.

I've looked in /kernel/classes/datatypes/ezobjectrelation/ezobjectrelationtype.php

in line 338 in the case "browse_object" when the call to the browse function is done, there are no "keys" parameters so back in /kernel/classes/ezcontentbrowse.php $parameters['keys'] is not defined hence we can only be directed in content or in media but not in one specified node even if I change the browse.ini like this for instance : StartNode_class[57]=201..

Is there some other way to do it in editing mode?

Thanks everyone
