Forums / Install & configuration / Problems with founding and overrides templates in eZ 4.0.0

Problems with founding and overrides templates in eZ 4.0.0

Author Message

Luka M

Monday 07 January 2008 11:30:31 am

I am testing eZ Publish installed from ezpublish-4.0.0-gpl.tar.gz with Website Interface (ver. 1.3-0). The great thing I must say! Many thanks for developers. Easy and user frendly installation procedure. To fix the strtotime error I used Seth Shoultes's post
1. Then I want to change the login template (add russian names of buttons and etc). By using Design -> Templates and Filter "login" found this templates /user/login.tpl /toolbar/line/login.tpl /toolbar/full/login.tpl /loginpagelayout.tpl. I overrided this templates by using "Copy of default template" an addt to name of templates the my_ prefix. By Unix function find I have found two files:
-rw-rw-rw- 1 apache apache 7634 Янв 7 21:03 my_loginpagelayout.tpl
-rw-rw-rw- 1 apache apache 2430 Янв 7 21:14 my_login.tpl
in /home/webadmin/
Then I clear all cache. But I don't get changes on my site. The login page was in english ;-(. I try to delete the overrided templates by using the button "Remove selected" for template my_loginpagelayout
Default template resource: extension/ezwebin/design/ezwebin/templates File:extension/ezodf/design/ezwebin/override/templates/my_loginpagelayout.tpl and I get a message: "The overrides could not be removed. The following files and override rules could not be removed because of insufficient file permissions:design/ezwebin/override/templates/my_loginpagelayout.tpl . The permitions (see above) to permit write and read access for apache user and group. How I can fix this problem? A there the algoritm to override templates with out web-interface. For ex. Copy file path/to/file.tpl to another/path/my_file.tpl, and add to table ... record ...?

2. When I try to found forum's templates by using filter "forum" I get the blank Template list, but by using unix function find with regexp for name file I get a list of files with tpl extention witch mean the forum. Why I can't found this files with using filter in Design->Templates, and how I can found templates for eZ extentions? For my mind the forum is a part of extention?

3. When I edit templates I found the interesting part of code "Login"|i18n("design/standard/toolbar") which has forced me to assume that there is a file or the table of a database containing values of the cores text constants, used eZ and its expansions for various languages. Where it is possible to find an example of this file in English or Russian?
My system information:
Version: 4.0.0 (4.0.0)
SVN revision: 19785
Extensions: ezwebin , ezdhtml , ezodf
Version: 5.2.4
Extensions: xmlwriter, libxml, dom, xmlreader, xml, tokenizer, session, pcre, SimpleXML, SPL, PDO, SQLite, standard, Reflection, posix, pdo_sqlite, mysql, json, iconv, hash, filter, date, ctype, zlib, apache2handler
Miscellaneous: Safe mode is off.
Basedir restriction is off.
Global variable registration is off.
File uploading is enabled.
Maximum size of post data (text and files) is 8M.
Script memory limit is 128M.
Maximum execution time is 30 seconds.
PHP Accelerator
A known and active PHP Accelerator could not be found.
Web server (software)
Name: Apache
Version: Apache/2.0.52 (ASPLinux)
Modules: core, prefork, http_core, mod_so, mod_access, mod_auth, mod_auth_anon, mod_auth_dbm, mod_auth_digest, util_ldap, mod_auth_ldap, mod_include, mod_log_config, mod_env, mod_mime_magic, mod_cern_meta, mod_expires, mod_deflate, mod_headers, mod_usertrack, mod_setenvif, mod_mime, mod_dav, mod_status, mod_autoindex, mod_asis, mod_info, mod_dav_fs, mod_vhost_alias, mod_negotiation, mod_dir, mod_imap, mod_actions, mod_speling, mod_userdir, mod_alias, mod_rewrite, mod_proxy, proxy_ftp, proxy_http, proxy_connect, mod_cache, mod_suexec, mod_disk_cache, mod_file_cache, mod_mem_cache, mod_cgi, mod_php5
Web server (hardware)
CPU: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz 3016.412 MHz
Memory: 1 010,87 MB
Type: mysql
Server: localhost
Socket path: Not in use.
Connection retry count: 0
Character set: utf-8 (Internal)
Slave database (read only)

Egil Fujikawa Nes

Monday 07 January 2008 5:07:56 pm

Hello Luka,

Unfortunately I'm not a developer, so I will leave the override of template questions to somebody more competent then me.

Regarding your question about translation database I will recommend you to have a look at There you can read more about how the translation system of eZ Publish works and how you can contribute with your own translations.

Good luck with your project :)

Best regards
Egil Fujikawa Nes

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