Forums / Install & configuration / Problem upgrading ezwebin 1.3.0 to 1.3.-1

Problem upgrading ezwebin 1.3.0 to 1.3.-1

Author Message

francis Yip

Tuesday 10 March 2009 9:19:54 am


As I have upgraded Ezpublish 4.0 to Ezpublish 4.0.1..I thought of upgrading ezwebin to 1.3-1 ( I intend to upgrade to 4.0.3 in the near future but prefer to do sequential upgrade rather than jumping to 4.0.3 directly )

Cache has all been cleared and purged. But I kept getting this error

PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function eZSiteOverrideINISettings() in /usr/local/apache/htdocs/ezpublish4/bin/php/ezwebinupgrade.php on line 161

I step through the upgrade process by specifying each package to be upgraded using the option --package=ezwebin_site and repeated it for ezwebin_extension and

Without fail the same exact error will occur for any of these packages

Here is part of the debug:

Installing package 'ezwebin_extension'
Warning: Extension 'ezwebin' already exists.
[ 1 ]: Replace extension
[ 2 ]: Skip
[ s ]: Skipt rest of the package
[ q ]: Quit
Plese choose one of the following actions( [1], [2], [s], [q] ): 1
Updating content classes...
Updating content objects...
Updating INI-files...
Updating INI-files...
Please specify the eZ webin siteaccesses on your site (separated with space, for example eng nor): ezwebin_site eng jpn kor
PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function eZSiteOverrideINISettings() in /usr/local/apache/htdocs/ezpublish4/bin/php/ezwebinupgrade.php on line 161

will appreciate help very much

francis Yip

Wednesday 11 March 2009 2:47:17 am

Further to my earlier post , I have successfully upgraded ezPublish to 4.0.3 and is attempting to upgrade ezwebin to 1.3.-2 .

This time round ezwebin_extension and ezwebin_classes was upgraded without issue and without the earlier error .

BUT upgrading ezwebin_site will still result in this error :

PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function eZSiteOverrideINISettings() in /usr/local/apache/htdocs/ezpublish4/bin/php/ezwebinupgrade.php on line 161

-------------------------debug is as follows--------------------------------------

Notice: Using siteaccess ezwebin_site
Package 'ezwebin_site' already imported. Import it anyway? [y/n]: n
Installing package 'ezwebin_site'
Updating content classes...
Updating content objects...
Updating INI-files...
Updating INI-files...
Please specify the eZ webin siteaccesses on your site (separated with space, for example eng nor): eng
PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function eZSiteOverrideINISettings() in /usr/local/apache/htdocs/ezpublish4/bin/php/ezwebinupgrade.php on line 161

Fatal error: eZ Publish did not finish its request
The execution of eZ Publish was abruptly ended, the debug output is present below.
Notice: (eZMySQLDB::query(0.000 ms) query number per page:0)
SET NAMES 'utf8'

No timing points defined
Peak memory usage: 10,154.7188 KB
Group ini_load:
Load cache: 0.0030 sec (0.0324%), 0.0005 avg sec (6)
FindInputFiles: 0.0009 sec (0.0099%), 0.0002 avg sec (6)
Group Mysql Total:
Mysql_queries: 0.2543 sec (2.7348%), 0.0003 avg sec (885)
Looping result: 0.0048 sec (0.0513%), 0.0000 avg sec (309)
Group class_abstraction:
Instantiating content class attribute: 0.0067 sec (0.0717%), 0.0000 avg sec (432)
Group General:
dbfile: 0.0000 sec (0.0003%), 0.0000 avg sec (1)

Total script time: 9.2974 sec