Monday 26 May 2003 8:39:21 am
> Does this mean the admin sections will be unaccessible
> due to being unable to initialize a session or is this just > issues with the login capability of the published site. no, not 'unaccessible' but a site can be 'hard to access'. like i wrote in the other post, moz/win seems to find a way past the error, while ie/win & lyx/win display a browser error. if i keep refreshing the site (request the url again) in the last two, i'll get past the error eventually. once i'm 'in', there doesn't seem to be a problem anymore. this applies to both a visitor site and an admin site, but it doesn't happen always, and i haven't found a way yet to force the error. you can tell that it happened by one or more lines like this in the <em>main</em> apache error.log: [Mon May 26 17:08:28 2003] [notice] child pid 23487 exit signal Segmentation fault (11) jeroen.