Thursday 20 April 2006 6:50:42 am
Hi, I'm attempting to install eZ Publish in a provider's space, so I only have acces to the tool he let me to administrate PHP and MySQL, that is PHPMyAdmin for this concern. When the eZ installer comes to the point of selecting the database, it finds the right one but complains when I click on the Next button because : <i>The database cannot be used, it uses the character set iso-8859-1 which is different from the requested charset utf-8.</i>
I swear I defined all formats to utf-8 in the db, either for the data storage and for the collating datas. So I don't understand what I'm missing, or if it's a bug (either from eZ, PhpMyAdmin, MySql or my provider) that I should work around. Thanks a lot for your help.
Michel Roche occasionally webmaster ;-) Vercors, France.