Thursday 28 June 2007 10:11:08 am
i upgraded several sites from ez 3.4, 3.5 and 3.6 to 3.9.1 and 3.9.2. Believe me, that no fun! ;( Not, the upgraded site won't send emails anymore. Notification mails do not arrive, but the DB entries look fine (eznotificationevent etc). "Tip-A-Friend" tells me, that the mail CANNOT be sent due to some unknown error. A completely new 3.9.2 site on the same server IS able to send emails, as well as "mail" on the servers shell. The Sites have been sending mail before (while they were hosted on some other server), all of them using sendmail. Were there some changes in the mailing (sendmail) subsystem between 3.6 and 3.9, which require some config changes?? The ez logs do not show anything at all :( Any hint is appreciated a lot!