Forums / Install & configuration / No content classes after upgrade 3.8 => 3.9

No content classes after upgrade 3.8 => 3.9

Author Message

Martin B

Sunday 06 May 2007 3:26:37 am


after upgrading to 3.9.1 (I haven't tried 3.9.2 yet because I don't want to brake any more stuff) all content classes seem to have vanished. I can't create any new nodes, either.

I re-ran all the update scripts concerning content classes as explained in the update procedures, but of course I got error messages that the updates were already applied:

Class name a:2:{s:6:"eng-GB";s:6:"Folder";s:16:"always-available";s:6:"eng-GB";} already updated
No attributes updated.
Class name Article already updated
No attributes updated.
Class name User group already updated
No attributes updated.
Class name User already updated
No attributes updated.
Updating Image class
3 of 3 attributes updated.
Fatal error: A database transaction in eZ publish failed.

Which was what I had expected.
This is how our site accesses are defined (we do it via host mapping):


So I did it for the site accesses eng, esl, fre, fimcap_admin and cms_admin.
But it changed nothing. When I go Setup->Classea->Content (or anything else there) I always get zero content classes. Adding nodes always gives me an empty list of possible node types to add.

Any ideas?
Thanks in advance,