Wednesday 21 February 2007 9:51:27 am
Hi Kim
In case you are not sure that you remember the password correctly, try this
If your password seems to be correct, clear the browser session and then try again. If it still does not work, use phpmyadmin and try to repair the table ezsession - sometimes tthis table causes errors.
If it still does not work, we need more information. Enable full debug output and try again. Below the login form you should see some debug messages which hopefully give some interesting information. Check here for information about debugging, instead of using the admin interface you can use ftp to upload the changed ini file. Sometimes you have to clear the cache before the debug information appears. To do this via ftp, go to the folder var/cache and delete the contents. Also go to var/<name of siteaccess>/cache and delete the contents. Be careful not to delete any other stuff! If the debug info does not help you, please post the version of eZpublish, the version of PHP, what database you use. Also describe what happens when you try to log in: Do you get an access denied error or does something else happen? If something else, what? Good luck Claudia