Forums / Install & configuration / multisite one database again

multisite one database again

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Pesti Pal

Friday 13 July 2007 2:24:52 am

I'm new to ez publish, and i need help, because i think i'm stuck.

I have installed ez 3.9.2 with a plain_site, i copied the configuration of plain_site into a new siteaccess, made the necessary adjustments and it works.

The problem is: i want only the subfolders of site1 to be available in the menu.. Same for site2.

In content view i have it like this:

|-site1(node 59)
|-site2(node 60)

When I browse index.php/site1 it shows contents of site1, but the menu has a link to site1 and site2 two!
when i click site1 it shows index.php/site1/site1 and
when i click site2 it shows index.php/site1/site2

I want two completly different sites from the user's perspective. With content common only at the database level.

i have tried to set in toolbar.ini.append.php:


in site.ini.append.php:


and in menu.ini.append.php:


But nothing. I know the menu is implemented at the pagelayout level, so nothing seems to affect it!
I cleared cache 100 times.

Thanks in advance

Pesti Pal

Friday 13 July 2007 5:55:44 am

Modified flat_top.tpl:

 menuitems=fetch( content, list, hash( parent_node_id, 2,
                                               class_filter_type, include,
                                               class_filter_array, ezini( 'MenuContentSettings', 'TopIdentifierList', 'menu.ini' ), sort_by, $root_node.sort_array ) )}


 menuitems=fetch( content, list, hash( parent_node_id, 


                                               class_filter_type, include,
                                               class_filter_array, ezini( 'MenuContentSettings', 'TopIdentifierList', 'menu.ini' ), sort_by, $root_node.sort_array ) )}

Isn't there an easyer way?
I haven't seen anywhere in the code that ez checks any of parent_node settings, it just puts 2 in it... is this a bug?

Betsy Gamrat

Sunday 15 July 2007 8:54:54 am


2 is usually the top of the content tree. If changing it to 59 works for you, then you're all set.

If you would like the setting derived out of the .ini file, you could use something similar to:

menuitems=fetch( content, list, hash( parent_node_id,
ezini(  'SiteSettings','RootNodeID','site.ini'), 
class_filter_type, include,
class_filter_array, ezini( 'MenuContentSettings', 'TopIdentifierList', 'menu.ini' ), 
sort_by, $root_node.sort_array ) )} 

I didn't verify the syntax and labels on this, but the basic idea is to use ezini to get the RootNodeID out of site.ini.append.php

Good luck.

Pesti Pal

Monday 16 July 2007 1:04:26 am

Altered the code as you wrote. It works fine and I don't even need to make copies of flat_top.tpl.
