Forums / Install & configuration / Insufficient directory permissions

Insufficient directory permissions

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Dizyn Inc

Thursday 06 July 2006 10:30:42 am

While intalling i found this problem, how can i solve this issue?

1. Insufficient directory permissions
eZ publish cannot write to some important directories, without this the setup cannot finish and parts of eZ publish will fail.
The affected directories are: settings settings/override var var/log var/storage var/cache var/cache/codepages var/cache/ini settings/siteaccess settings/siteaccess/admin design

Shell commands
These shell commands will give proper permission to the webserver.

cd /home/celticco/public_html/ezpublish
chmod -R ug+rwx settings settings/override var var/log var/storage var/cache var/cache/codepages var/cache/ini settings/siteaccess settings/siteaccess/admin design
chown -R nobody:nobody settings settings/override var var/log var/storage var/cache var/cache/codepages var/cache/ini settings/siteaccess settings/siteaccess/admin designAlternative shell commands
If you don't have permissions to change the ownership you can try these commands.

cd /home/celticco/public_html/ezpublish
chmod -R a+rwx settings settings/override var var/log var/storage var/cache var/cache/codepages var/cache/ini settings/siteaccess settings/siteaccess/admin design

Please help me

Dizyn Inc

Thursday 06 July 2006 11:16:13 am

finally have been able to dosomething bit result is not that much good.


Site info:

Site package - plain_site
Title - Plain site
Admin URL -
Access type - url
Access value - plain_site

Webserver info:
Version - Apache/1.3.36 (Unix) mod_auth_passthrough/1.8 mod_log_bytes/1.2 mod_bwlimited/1.4 PHP/4.4.2 FrontPage/ mod_ssl/2.8.27 OpenSSL/0.9.7a

PHP info:
Version - 4.4.2

OS info
Name - Linux 2.4.21-37.ELsmp #1 SMP Wed Sep 7 13:28:55 EDT 2005 i686
CPU Type - Intel(R) Xeon(TM) CPU 2.80GHz
CPU Speed - 2787.712 MHz
Memory Size - 2104705024 (1.96 GB)

Database info:
Type - MySQL
Driver - ezmysql

Email info:
Transport - sendmail

Image conversion:
ImageMagick was found and used.
Path - /usr/bin
Executable - convert
ImageGD extension was found and used.

Regional info:
Primary - eng-US
Additional - eng-US

Critical tests

phpversion - Success
database_extensions - Success
image_conversion - Success
open_basedir - Success
safe_mode - Success
memory_limit - Success
execution_time - Success
magic_quotes_runtime - Success
allow_url_fopen - Success
accept_path_info - Success
php_session - Success
file_upload - Success

Other tests:

php_magicquotes - Failure
zlib_extension - Success
mbstring_extension - Success
imagegd_extension - Success
imagemagick_program - Success
database_all_extensions - Failure
php_register_globals - Failure
texttoimage_functions - Success
When i try to access site using "
" it does not work.


anyhelp please....

Tim Dickinson

Thursday 06 July 2006 2:23:26 pm

You really need SSH (shell) access to easily install eZpublish.

You may need to ask your host to enable SSH on your account if you're on a shared or resller account and don't have your own server.

I use Putty to SSH into my account

But there are various options available to use.

To explain what the commands are doing:

cd /home/celticco/public_html/ezpublish

gets you to the install directory of your eZpublish installation.

chmod -R a+rwx settings settings/override var var/log var/storage var/cache var/cache/codepages var/cache/ini settings/siteaccess settings/siteaccess/admin design

Basically CHMODs various directories and subdirectories so that they are writeable by eZpublish. You need this so the installation can setup the right settings for your server and save them as well as letting eZpublish write files to cache for example.

To use these commands you need to login to the ssh of your server account with your username and password. You then paste the first command starting cd... and press enter to execute it. Then paste the second command and press enter to execute that.

With regards to your other failed processes of magic quotes and register globals, just add the following to your .htaccess file.

php_value magic_quotes_gpc 0
php_value register_globals 0

I hope that helps,

Tim - Ad network news and reviews - Website publisher guides, tools and news - Make better music

Dizyn Inc

Friday 07 July 2006 8:43:31 am


First of all thanks Tim for your reply, you did not mentioned about "database_all_extensions - Failure" can you please help me in this regards as well. The problem with me is my host don't allow ssh and this is one the biggest problme with me.

I am also trying to use 3.7 and its been stopped at :
Database initialization
i am giving proper username and password but it not moving to next step.

any help in this regards.

thanks much

Tim Dickinson

Friday 07 July 2006 11:56:14 am

I'm afraid I haven't come across that error, so am not quite sure what the problem is.

Just to check, you have MySQL, and have created a database and created a MySQL user with a password for that database?

Also, are you trying to install eZpublish with with unicode or not?
Your database has to be unicode too for the installation and eZpublish setup to be unicode too.

Tim - Ad network news and reviews - Website publisher guides, tools and news - Make better music

Kristof Coomans

Saturday 08 July 2006 2:02:59 am

The database_all_extensions test checks if you have both the mysql and pgsql PHP extensions enabled. But this is not a critical test, if you have the db extension for the db you are going to use then there's no need to worry and you can just proceed.

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