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Installation Questions

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Alan Stephenson

Monday 19 April 2004 10:05:30 am


I am trying to install 3.3-4 on a new Linux system. It is running apache 1.3.28, php 4.3.3 and mysql version 4. This might be a simple question but I cannot seem to find the answer. When i try to run the index.php file for setup the system asks me if I want to download the file. This occurs with all of the .php files within eZpublish.

So far, I only have one .php file that I have tried to see if it would work, that is phpinfo.php.

If someone could tell me if there is something I need to set at the httpd.conf file that would be great help.



Alex Jones

Monday 19 April 2004 2:33:07 pm

It sounds like Apache isn't configured to handle Mime Types properly. Check your httpd.conf file to ensure the following line is in there (and not commented out):

AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .phtml

Then restart Apache and it shouldn't try to force the download any more.


[ bald_technologist on the IRC channel ( #eZpublish ]

<i>When in doubt, clear the cache.</i>

Alan Stephenson

Tuesday 20 April 2004 12:27:35 pm


Thanks for the reply. I saw there was no line in my httpd.conf and added it. I have tried with a clean install with no luck still. Now when I put the URL in I get the index.php file open in notepad file.

I am sure it is a problem with the configuration of Apache and possibly PHP that is installed on my Linux station, but I am not having much luck trying to find the difference yet.

Added: I waited several hours and I finally got the install to work! I have installed eZpublish several times on different systems and I have always gotten different results. This has helped because I know why I get certain messages (database connection problems, etc). But this is the newest message I have not seen:

Fatal error: eZ publish did not finish it's request

The execution of eZ publish was abruptly ended, the debug output is present below.

I need to edit the files so the debug shows up, but as I said, never a dull moment with installing eZpublish! :)

Alex Jones

Wednesday 21 April 2004 6:18:47 am

Glad you got past the initial problem! :) We'll need a bit more detail on that last error, but I wouldn't be surprised if eZ publish was running into a memory issue. How much memory have you allocated to PHP? If possible try to bump it up to 16MB, or even 20 to see if that gets around the problem.


[ bald_technologist on the IRC channel ( #eZpublish ]

<i>When in doubt, clear the cache.</i>

Alan Stephenson

Wednesday 21 April 2004 7:11:44 am

That helped. Last night I bumped the memory (since I have access to it now) to 16M. On a side note, do you know what this would do to my performance on this web server? How many sites can I run with this setting set at this level? The one hosting place I had would not bump up the number from 8 to 12.

Alex Jones

Wednesday 21 April 2004 7:33:49 am

Glad to now that the memory bump helped. I think the amount of sites that can be run will depend upon the server set up. You may want to do some searches on the site as there have been many threads on the topic. Also, the new release is supposed to have some major improvements to memory management.


[ bald_technologist on the IRC channel ( #eZpublish ]

<i>When in doubt, clear the cache.</i>