Forums / Install & configuration / Installation failure

Installation failure

Author Message

Jeb Bruce

Sunday 21 September 2008 8:50:08 pm

I get to the last step at get:

The setup wizard was not able to complete the creation of your selected sites.

The following errors were detected:

* EZSW-004Failed inserting data to mysql
Table 'ezapprove_items' already exists
* EZSW-040Failed to initialize site package 'ezwebin_site'

If you think you have fixed the errors you can try then click the "Retry" button.

I have changed the following to:
max_execution_time = 600
max_input_time = 120
memory_limit = 64M

and still receive the previous message. Any suggestions?

Jeb Bruce

Friday 26 September 2008 4:36:20 am


André R.

Friday 26 September 2008 6:09:51 am

Empty the selected database or use another one ( preferably a new empty one ).

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