Forums / Install & configuration / IndexPage doesn't work when using PathPrefix

IndexPage doesn't work when using PathPrefix

Author Message

Maarten Holland

Tuesday 29 August 2006 1:04:27 pm

Hi all,

I've created 3 folders for 3 different sites in ezPublish's root folder. In each folder I've created an 'article' called 'home', since I don't want to use the folder itself as home.

- root
- root \ site 1 (folder)
- root \ site 1 \ home (article)
- root \ site 2 (folder)
- root \ site 2 \ home (article)

In the site.ini.append.php for the 3 siteaccess I've set PathPrefix to site1 (folder), site2 etc so that the foldername is excluded from the URL.

Problem here is that IndexPage doesn't work anymore. I've set that using /content/view/full to the node ID of each 'home' article, but instead, the folder shows up when I access my sites. I've also tried IndexPage=/home/ and IndexPage=/site1/home/ without success.

Anyone has any ideas how I can manage to show the 'home' article instead of the folder? When I remove 'PathPrefix' it's working fine again.

I really hope you can help me. I've read several pages about PathPrefix but can't find the solution.

Thank you very much!
